ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Speak Good English Movement

The Speak Good English Movement is a special thing to help people in Singapore speak better English. It's like a big project aimed at teaching people how to use the English language properly, so they can communicate effectively and confidently.

You know how there are some people who might struggle to speak in English because it's not their first language, or they may not have had enough opportunities to practice speaking it? Well, the Speak Good English Movement wants to help these people overcome these challenges and become better communicators.

The movement's main goal is to encourage people to use clear and correct English. They believe that everyone in Singapore, whether they are a local or a foreigner, should know how to use the language properly, and not just in everyday conversation but also in business, school, and other formal settings.

To achieve this goal, the movement runs various campaigns and activities, such as workshops, contests, and language classes. It also publishes helpful guides and resources that anyone can use to improve their English skills.

So, in short, the Speak Good English Movement is a special effort to help people in Singapore speak better English. It aims to teach proper English usage through various activities and resources, so that people can communicate effectively and confidently in all settings.