ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Special Criminal Court

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about the special criminal court.

Sometimes when a person does something really bad, like hurt someone else or steal something, they have to go to court. Court is a place where a judge listens to what happened and decides if the person is guilty or not.

Now, some crimes are really serious, and they might involve a group of people who all did something bad together. When that happens, the court might need to be a little different than normal. That's where the special criminal court comes in.

The special criminal court is a court that only deals with really serious crimes, like terrorism or war crimes. The court is made up of judges and lawyers from different countries who work together to make fair decisions.

The court also has special rules that are different from a regular court. For example, they might keep the names of the people involved in the case secret to protect their safety, or they might use different ways to get information, like video calls or written evidence.

The special criminal court is important because it helps make sure that people who do really bad things are held responsible for their actions. And by working together, the judges and lawyers can make sure everyone gets a fair trial, no matter where they come from or what they did.