ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Spectromorphology is a big word that talks all about how sounds change over time and what they are made up of.

Think of it like a cake. A cake is made up of different ingredients, like flour, sugar, and eggs. But when you put them all together and bake it, you get a yummy cake! Similarly, a sound is made up of different parts, like high and low pitches, and different tones.

Spectromorphology helps us understand how sounds change over time, like when a drum beat gets faster and louder, or a singer's voice gets higher. We can use special machines called spectrometers to look at the different parts of a sound and see how they change.

So, just like when you take a bite of a cake and taste all the different flavors, when we listen to music we can hear all the different parts of the sound and how they change and develop over time. And that's what spectromorphology is all about!