Speech buddies are tiny little tools that help children learn how to say certain sounds correctly. They work kind of like a helper for your mouth. You see, when you say words, your mouth and your tongue have to work together to make the right sounds. Sometimes, when you're learning to speak or if there's something wrong with the way your mouth is put together, it can be hard to say some specific sounds. That's where speech buddies come in!
A speech buddy is a little tool that you can put inside your mouth (like a tiny toothbrush). It helps your tongue know where to go and how to make the right movements to create the sounds you're trying to say. They're kind of like training wheels for your mouth!
For example, let's say you have trouble saying the "s" sound. You can put a speech buddy called "snake" inside your mouth, it has a bump on it that helps show your tongue where to go to make that "s" sound. Or if you have trouble with the "r" sound, you can use the speech buddy called "rabbit" which helps place your tongue in the correct spot.
The speech buddy makes it easier for your mouth to learn how to make the right sounds. Over time, your mouth and tongue will get used to saying the sound correctly and won't need the speech buddy anymore!