ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Speed sailing

Ok kiddo, have you ever seen a sailboat before? They're pretty cool, right? Well, some people like to see how fast they can make these boats go. It's called speed sailing.

So, you know how when you go on a swing and your mom or dad pushes you and you go higher and higher? It's the same with speed sailing. The boat needs wind to go fast, so they wait until it's a really windy day. When the wind blows against the sail, it pushes the boat forward. The faster the wind blows, the faster the boat goes.

But you can't just have a normal sailboat and expect it to go really fast. People who do speed sailing use boats that are designed to go fast. They're lightweight and have really big sails. Sometimes they even have special fins or foils that help the boat "fly" above the water, kind of like a plane.

Now, here's the tricky part. When people do speed sailing, they don't race against other people. They race against themselves. They want to see how fast they can make the boat go all by themselves. So, they'll go out on a lake or the ocean and set up a speed course. They'll sail back and forth, back and forth, as fast as they can, trying to beat their own record each time.

It's kind of like when you challenge yourself to run faster or jump higher. These speed sailors are challenging themselves to go faster and faster on the water. It's pretty cool, huh? Just remember, it's important to be safe and wear a life jacket if you're going to sail or do any kind of water sport.