ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spindle neuron

Spindle neurons are cells in our brain that help us feel emotions and understand the feelings of others. They look like long noodles with bumps on them, and they send messages to other parts of our brain when we see, hear, or feel something that makes us happy, sad, or angry.

Just like how we use our hands to touch and feel things, spindle neurons help us understand the world around us by allowing us to "feel" emotions. They also help us connect with other people and animals by letting us sense their feelings through their facial expressions, body language, and vocalizations.

Spindle neurons are very special cells because they are only found in a few areas of our brain, like the frontal lobe and anterior cingulate cortex. Scientists are still studying them to learn more about how they work and how they impact our emotions and relationships with others.