ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sport industry

The sport industry is a big group of people who work together to create and make all the fun sports and activities that we have to play and watch. This includes things like basketball games, soccer games, football games, and even extreme sports like skateboarding or snowboarding! There are many different kinds of people who help make the sport industry awesome. For example, there are players who play the game and coaches who help teach them to play better. There are also people who work to promote the games and events, such as advertisers who make commercials to get us excited to watch or attend games. Stadium managers make sure the fields or courses where games happen are safe and prepared for the athletes to play. Finally, the sport industry includes people who work to keep track of scores and statistics, so we can know which players or teams are the best at the game. Ultimatley, all these people work together to make the sport industry fun and exciting for all of us to watch and participate in.