ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spray (liquid drop)

Spray is like tiny drops of water that come out of a spray bottle. Imagine you have a water bottle and you press on the top, water comes out in very tiny drops. These drops can be so tiny that you can barely see them!

When you press the top of the spray bottle, the liquid inside gets pushed out by a pump. When the liquid comes out, it is forced through a tiny hole in the top of the spray bottle. This makes the liquid spread out into lots of tiny droplets.

Sometimes, sprays can be used to help plants grow. There are special sprays that have nutrients that plants need, like food for them! They help the plants grow strong and healthy.

Sprays can also be used to kill creepy crawly bugs like mosquitos. When the spray lands on the bug, it makes it so that the bug can't breathe and it eventually dies. This helps us not get sick from those pesky bugs.

So, next time you see a spray bottle think about how it helps plants grow and keeps us healthy!