ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spreader patch

Spreader patch is like a superhero bandage that helps to fix a hole or a cut in a car tire when it gets damaged. Imagine you're playing with your toy car, and it accidentally hits a sharp object like a nail or a piece of glass. The tire gets hurt and air starts to leak out, making it flat.

To fix the tire, we need to remove the sharp object first, so it doesn't cause more damage. Now, we have a hole in the tire that needs to be fixed. This is where the spreader patch comes into play.

First, a grown-up will take a special tool called a tire plugger and insert it into the hole to clean it and make it bigger. This helps the patch to sit properly and stick well. Then, they will take a spreader patch, which is like a big sticker made of rubber. This patch is sticky on one side and has a soft, stretchable material on the other side.

The grown-up will put a type of glue called rubber cement on the sticky side of the patch and then place it over the hole in the tire. They press it down firmly, making sure it sticks well and covers the hole completely. The soft material on the other side helps to seal the patch and prevent any air or water from getting inside the tire.

Once the patch is securely in place, the tire is ready to be inflated with air again. The grown-up uses a special air pump to fill the tire up until it is firm and not flat anymore. This way, the tire is fixed, and you can continue playing with your toy car with its repaired tire.

Remember, it's always important to let a grown-up handle tire repairs because they have the tools and knowledge to do it safely.