Imagine you were taking a nap, and your mom came into your room and gently shook you awake, telling you it's time to go to school. You get up, get dressed, brush your teeth, and go to the kitchen for breakfast, only to find out that it's still 2 AM and you still have many hours left to sleep. Now you're wide awake, irritated, and confused.
This is kind of what happens with spurious wakeup in computer programming. Sometimes, when a program is waiting for something to happen, like user input, it might wake up even though nothing happened. It's like the program thinks someone tapped it on the shoulder and said, "hey, do something now!" when really, no one did.
This can cause problems because the program might start doing things it's not supposed to do, or it might waste time and resources checking for something that isn't even there. It's like getting up too early and doing your morning routine for no reason - it's a waste of time and energy.
So, programmers have to write special code to make sure their program only wakes up when it's supposed to, and doesn't get tricked into waking up by nothing at all. It's like making sure your mom only wakes you up when it's actually time to go to school, and not in the middle of the night.