ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Square (cipher)

Imagine you have a secret code that you want to use to send messages without anyone else understanding them. A square cipher is a way to do that!

Here's how it works:

First, you take a piece of paper and draw a big square on it. In each corner of the square, you write a letter of the alphabet: A, B, C, and D.

Then you write the rest of the alphabet around the edges of the square, starting with E and going all the way to Z.

Now you have a special code that you can use to write secret messages!

To use the square cipher, you start by finding the first letter of your message in the square. Let's say your message starts with the letter "H." You would find the letter "H" on the edge of the square and then look at the letter in the corner to the left of "H." In this case, the corner letter is "A."

Next, you find the second letter of your message in the square. Let's say it's the letter "E." You would find "E" on the edge of the square and then look at the letter in the corner above "E." In this case, the corner letter is "B."

You keep doing this for every letter in your message, finding the corresponding letters in the corners of the square and using them to create your coded message.

To decode the message, you just need to have another copy of the square cipher and use it to figure out what each letter in the message really means.

Square ciphers can be fun to use to send secret messages to your friends or family members. But remember to keep your code safe and not share it with anyone who might use it to spy on you!