ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stache for cash

Stache for cash is when someone saves money in a secret place, like a "stache" (which is short for "mustache"). It's like hiding a cookie from your little brother so you can eat it all by yourself later. Except, instead of cookies, it's money!

Growing a mustache can take time, so you have to be very patient and consistent. Similarly, saving money can take time too! But if you save a little bit every day or every week, you will start to see your stache grow bigger and bigger over time.

Why do people stash cash? Well, sometimes people want to save up money for something special, like a new toy or game or a trip to Disney World. Sometimes people also stash cash because they don't want other people to know how much money they have, or because they don't trust banks.

But it's important to remember that saving money in a secret stache can be risky. What happens if someone finds your stache and takes all your money? That's why it's a good idea to keep your stache in a safe place, like a locked box or drawer, or even better, in a real bank account where it's protected by the bank's security.

So, if you want to stash your cash, start by putting a little bit aside every day. Make sure you keep it safe and don't tell anyone about it. And who knows, maybe one day your stache will grow so big that you'll be able to afford that toy or game or trip to Disney World!