ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stained glass – British glass, 1811–1918

Hey there, young one! So, do you know what glass is? It's this hard, clear or sometimes colored material that we see in windows or sometimes we use them to drink from. Now, imagine taking pieces of this glass, but instead of it being clear or just one color, we paint or dye it with different colors and patterns to make it look super pretty!

This is what stained glass is all about. People have been making stained glass for a very long time, but in the 1800s in Britain, it became really popular. They used it to decorate churches, houses, and other buildings with fancy designs and pictures. It was a way to make things look not only beautiful but also very special and important.

A lot of people made stained glass during this time period, but some of the most famous ones were a group called the Pre-Raphaelites. They were artists who wanted to make art that was like what people used to make during the Renaissance period. They made beautiful stained glass for churches and also for people's homes.

But, here's the thing, it wasn't always easy to make stained glass. It took a lot of skill and time to get it just right. They had to cut the glass into the right shapes, paint the designs onto it, and then put it back together like a puzzle. It was kind of like a big arts and crafts project!

Eventually, as time went on, people started making stained glass in different ways. They used machines to cut the glass instead of doing it by hand, and they even invented ways to make the colors more vibrant and long-lasting.

In 1918, the time period we're talking about here, stained glass was still really popular. It had become a big part of British art and design. Now, next time you see a stained glass window or decoration, you'll know a little bit more about the history of it and how it came to be so special!