ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

State law

State law is like a long list of rule that each state in the United States follows. Those rules are made by the government of each state to help keep things fair and safe for everyone who lives there. State laws are different in each state, so what might be allowed or not allowed in one state could be different in another state.

State laws cover lots of different things - like how old you have to be to drive a car, what you can and can't do in school, and what things are against the law, like stealing or hurting other people. They also cover things like how people get elected to be leaders in the state and how important decisions are made.

State law is important because it helps make sure that people are treated fairly and have the same rights no matter where they live. It also helps keep the state organized and running smoothly. Without state laws, there might be a lot of confusion and it would be hard to know what is right and wrong.

If someone breaks a state law, they can get in trouble with the police or have to go to court. The court has the power to punish people who break the law by making them pay money, or even by putting them in jail if it is a really serious crime.

So, state law is like a big set of rules that each state has to follow to make sure everyone can live happily and safely.