Okay kiddo, so back in the medieval times, which was a really long time ago, Britain was divided up into different regions called states. Think of them like giant puzzle pieces that fit together to make a map of Britain.
Each state had its own leader, like a king or queen, who ruled over the people living there. They had their own army, laws, and way of doing things. Some states were really big and powerful, like England, and others were smaller and less powerful, like Wales or Scotland.
Now, these states were often fighting with each other over power and land. It was like a big game of tug-of-war, where each state was trying to grab as much land and power as they could.
But sometimes, these states would work together to fight a common enemy, like an invader who was trying to take over their land. When they teamed up like this, it was called an alliance.
Overall, the states in medieval Britain were like big teams with their own leaders, working together or competing against each other to try and become the most powerful state in the land.