ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Statute of repose

Imagine you have a toy that you really love and you want to keep it for a very long time. But after some time, the toy gets old and doesn't work properly anymore. You might want to get it fixed, but there's a limit to how long you can keep asking for help to fix it. That's kind of like the statute of repose.

The statute of repose is a rule that sets a specific time limit for people to file lawsuits against someone who made or sold a product. This time limit is usually several years after the product was made or sold. Once this time limit has passed, the person who wants to sue can no longer do so.

Just like how you can't keep asking for help to fix your toy forever, the statute of repose says that people can't keep suing someone for a product that was made or sold a long time ago. This is because after a certain amount of time, it's hard to know exactly what happened and who is responsible for any problems that might have occurred.

So, in summary, the statute of repose is like a time limit for people to file lawsuits against someone who made or sold a product, and it helps make sure that people can't keep suing forever after a certain amount of time has passed.