ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stave bearing

Stave bearing is a type of bearing that helps things move smoothly. Imagine that you have a toy car with wheels that spin around. The wheels need something called a bearing to help them turn. A stave bearing is like a small circle made of wood or metal that the wheel sits on.

The stave bearing has little bumps on it, sort of like a bumpy road, so that the wheel can roll along smoothly. The bumps on the stave bearing also help to keep the wheel from wobbling or shaking. That way, when you move the toy car, it goes in a straight line and doesn't wobble from side to side.

Stave bearings can be used in lots of different things, like machines, cars, and even big ships. They help to make sure that everything runs smoothly and doesn't wear out or break. So, a stave bearing is like a tiny road that helps wheels spin smoothly without wobbling.