The Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm is a system for arranging things in a specific order which makes it easier to find them later on! Imagine you have toys in a basket that you want to keep in a certain order so that you can find them easily later. This system helps you do that.
The algorithm is like drawing a number line, where each number can only move one spot at a time! In this case, the toys are the numbers and they can only move one spot in the basket at a time without jumping over any other toys.
This method basically follows the concept of moving one element at a given time by swapping it with its nearest neighbor, either left or right; based on the current direction of the element. And as each order it produces is built on those prior, the logic is often expressed recursively.
By using this method, we can come up with lots of different arrangements for those toys (or numbers) and also easily find any toy in that basket.