ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stephen Glass

Okay kiddo, have you ever told a lie? Like saying you finished your vegetables when you didn't, or telling your parents you brushed your teeth when you actually didn't? Well, there was a man named Stephen Glass who told a lot of big, bad lies, and he was a journalist, which means he writes news stories for newspapers.

Stephen Glass wanted to be a famous journalist and he worked for a magazine called The New Republic. He wrote about lots of interesting things and people believed everything he wrote because they trusted that he got his facts right, like a good journalist should. But, the problem was, he made up a lot of his stories. He lied about where he went, who he interviewed, and what he saw.

It was like when you play pretend, but it was very serious because people were reading these stories and learning false information. It was also wrong because journalists have an important job to tell the truth and help people know what is really happening in the world. Stephen Glass did not do that, he made things up to make his articles more interesting.

Eventually, people found out that Stephen Glass was lying and his bosses were very mad at him. The New Republic had to apologize to their readers and many people lost trust in journalists because of what he did. Stephen Glass had to leave his job and it was hard for him to find another one.

So, remember kiddo, telling lies is not okay, especially when you have an important job like being a journalist, because you can hurt people by giving them wrong information. It's important to always tell the truth, even if it's hard, and to do your best at your job.