ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stimulant maintenance

Okay kiddo, so sometimes when people take drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine, it can be really hard for them to stop. Stimulant maintenance is when doctors give people who are addicted to stimulants a safer drug, like methadone or buprenorphine, to help them stop using drugs that are more dangerous.

These safer drugs are called "agonist medications" and they work by changing the way that the brain reacts to the drugs. So, instead of feeling high or euphoric like people do when they take cocaine or methamphetamine, the person taking the agonist medication doesn't feel anything. This helps them stop craving the drug and it makes it easier for them to give up their addiction.

The doctor will monitor the person taking the agonist medication closely and make sure that they are not using any other drugs that could be dangerous. They will also gradually reduce the dose of the agonist medication until the person doesn't need it anymore.

Stimulant maintenance can be really helpful for people who are struggling with addiction, because it offers a safer way to manage the symptoms of withdrawal and cravings. It's like having a special tool to help you get better when you're feeling sick.