ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stone of Remembrance

A stone of remembrance is like a special rock that you keep to remind you of someone or something important. It can be any kind of rock, like a shiny smooth one you find at the beach or a rough one from the dirt.

These stones are important because they help us remember important events or people in our lives. For example, if you went on a vacation to the beach with your family and had a really fun time building sandcastles, you might pick up a special stone to keep as a reminder of that special day.

People have been using stones of remembrance for a very long time. In the Bible, there is a story about a man named Joshua who collected twelve stones to remind the Israelites of their journey across the Jordan River.

So, if you ever find a special rock that reminds you of something important, don't be afraid to keep it as a stone of remembrance!