ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stop and frisk

Stop and Frisk is when police officers can stop people on the street and check them for weapons or illegal objects like drugs. The police have to have a good reason to do this, like if they see someone acting suspicious or think they might be breaking the law.

If they have a good reason, the police can pat down the person to make sure they don't have dangerous things on them. This is called a frisk. If the person is found to have something illegal or suspicious, the police can take it away and sometimes even arrest the person.

However, some people think that the police use stop and frisk too much on certain groups of people, like Black and Hispanic people. They think that this is unfair and can lead to discrimination. So, it's important for the police to use stop and frisk carefully and not unfairly target certain people just because of their race or ethnicity.