ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strait of Gibraltar crossing

So, the Strait of Gibraltar is a very big stretch of water that sits between two places called Europe and Africa. It's kind of like a really big river, but instead of fresh water, it's filled with salty water from the ocean. Lots of people have tried to cross this stretch of water because it's a really important way to get from one continent to the other.

People used to cross this big stretch of water in boats or by swimming, but now there is a big bridge that goes across it called the "Strait of Gibraltar crossing". This bridge makes it much easier and safer for people to cross from Europe to Africa and vice versa.

The Strait of Gibraltar crossing is really long and it's made of a lot of different parts. There are big towers with cables that run across them, and these cables hold up the bridge. It's kind of like a giant spider web, but much stronger!

It took a really long time to build the Strait of Gibraltar crossing, and lots of people worked really hard to make it happen. But now, people can drive or walk across the bridge and it's a lot safer and faster than trying to swim all the way across the big stretch of water!