ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strategic railway

Alright kiddo, let's talk about strategic railways.

Do you know what a railway is? It's like a big train track that trains run on. Now, imagine if we had a lot of these train tracks that go all over the country. That would be really cool, right?

Well, some train tracks are more important than others because they connect important places like cities, ports and factories. These important train tracks are called strategic railways.

These strategic railways are really useful because they help move goods and people quicker and more efficiently. This is important because it helps businesses make more money and helps people get where they need to go faster.

Sometimes, governments might decide to invest in building new strategic railways because they believe it will help their country grow and become more prosperous. But it's important to make sure these new railways are built in the right places and are used in the best way possible.

So, strategic railways are special train tracks that help move things around the country faster and are important for helping businesses and people.