ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strategic talk

When we talk about strategic talk, we are basically talking about being really good at planning and making decisions.

Just like how you plan your day with your parents or teachers, strategic talk is about thinking about all the different things that might happen and making a plan for what to do in each situation.

For example, let's say you're playing a board game with your friends. Before the game starts, you might have a plan for how you're going to try to win. You might decide to use your best pieces first, or you might hold back and wait for the right moment to strike. This is an example of strategic talk.

In real life, people use strategic talk all the time. When you hear your parents talking about how to save money, or you hear your teacher planning a lesson for class, they are using strategic talk to make the best decisions possible.

So, to sum it up, strategic talk is all about being really good at planning and making decisions. It's like having a really good plan for whatever you want to do next.