ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strength of a graph

Imagine you have a bunch of dots, and they are all connected by lines. This is called a graph. The strength of a graph means how strong the links or connections are between the dots.

Think of a spider web. When a spider weaves its web, it uses thread to connect different parts of the web together. Some parts of the web are more important than others because they hold it all together. If those important threads were cut, the web would fall apart.

In the same way, some connections in a graph are more important than others. If you cut those important connections, the graph might fall apart. On the other hand, some connections might not be very important at all. You could cut them without affecting the graph very much.

So, the strength of a graph is a measure of how connected it is, and how important those connections are. It helps us understand which parts of the graph are most important for keeping it together.