ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stride of an array

Imagine you have a bunch of toys in your room and you want to count them all. You decide to line them up in a row so you can easily see each one. This row of toys is like an array.

Now, imagine you want to count every second toy in this row. You wouldn't need to count the first toy, because you know it's there, and you don't need to count every toy because you only want to count every second one. This skipping of toys is like the stride of an array.

In computer programming, an array is a bunch of data stored in a row just like your toys. The stride is like skipping over some of those data points in the row. This is helpful for when you only want to access every other, third, or fourth data point in a row without having to count each and every one.

The stride is the amount of space between each data point you want to access, just like the number of toys you skip when counting in our earlier example. By setting the stride, you can choose how many data points you want to skip over to get to the next one you're interested in, which saves time and effort when working with large amounts of data.