ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Striking in the King's Court

Okay, imagine you are playing a game of pretend where you and your friends are in a castle and you are pretending to be a king or queen. You might have special rules in your castle that everyone has to follow because you are in charge.

Now, let's say that one of your friends broke one of those rules - like maybe they spilled juice all over the floor and didn't clean it up. You might want to give them a consequence to teach them that breaking the rules is not okay.

In the olden times, when a king or queen was in charge of a real castle, they also had special rules for the people who lived and worked there. If someone broke one of those rules, they might get in trouble and have to go to the king's court.

The king's court was a special place where the king or queen and their advisors would sit and listen to the person's story and decide what should happen to them. One of the consequences that they could give was called striking, which meant the person would be hit or whipped as punishment for what they did.

Now, we don't use striking as a punishment anymore because we have better ways to teach people not to break the rules. But back then, it was one of the ways that people were reminded to follow the rules in the king's castle.