ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strong gravity

You know how when you throw a ball up in the air, it comes back down because of gravity? Well, imagine if you threw that ball really, REALLY hard, like really far away, to a place where there's a whole bunch of other really, REALLY heavy balls all squished together.

When those heavy balls are squished together really tight, they make something called a "black hole." This black hole has a super strong gravity that can suck in anything that gets too close to it, even light!

So if you were one of those balls thrown near the black hole, you would get pulled in towards it so hard that you would squish and stretch, kind of like a rubber band, until you get squeezed into the black hole. That's how strong the gravity is!

Scientists study strong gravity to understand more about black holes and other really weird and amazing things in space.