ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Student's t-test

A student's t-test is a way of comparing two sets of numbers to see if there is a difference between them. It is often used to compare the average of one group to another group, or to compare an individual's score to the average score of a group. For example, if you are a teacher and you want to compare the test scores of your class to the test scores of another class, you can use a student's t-test to find out if there is a difference between the two classes. In order to use a student's t-test, you will need to first calculate the average for each group, and then you will use a special formula to figure out if the difference between the two averages is likely due to random chance or if it is significant. If the difference between the two averages is significant, it means that there is likely a real difference between the two groups and that the difference is probably not just due to random chance.