ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Subordinationism is like being on a team where everyone has a different role. Some people are the leaders, like the coach or captain, and some people are the helpers, like the water boy or assistant coach. In terms of religion, subordinationism means that some parts of the Trinity (which is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) are more important or have more power than others.

For example, some people might believe that God the Father is the most important part of the Trinity, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are lower in rank or power. This is called subordinationism because it puts one part of the Trinity above the others.

However, many people do not believe in subordinationism and instead believe that all parts of the Trinity are equal and work together in one divine being. It can be a complicated concept, but the basic idea is that some people believe that there are different levels or importance within the Trinity, while others believe that all parts are equally important.
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