ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Subsidiarity (Catholicism)

Subsidiarity is a fancy Catholic word that means that bigger things should only do things that smaller things can't do. It's like when you're working on a puzzle with your friends. Each person can work on their own part of the puzzle, and when they're done, they can help their friends with the parts they're having trouble with.

In the Catholic Church, this means that big organizations, like the government, should only do things that smaller groups, like families and communities, can't do. For example, families are better at taking care of their own kids than the government is. But if a family is having trouble taking care of their kids, the government can step in and help.

This idea comes from the belief that people are unique and valuable, and that everyone has a role to play in society. By working together and supporting each other, we can build a better world that works for everyone.