ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Subskimmer is a bad thing. It's a sneaky way that some people try to steal information from credit cards.

You know how you have a credit card? It's like a magic piece of plastic that you can use to buy things. But some sneaky people want to take your magic plastic and use it for themselves. They do this with a sneaky little device called a subskimmer.

A subskimmer is like a tiny, tiny camera that can hide in the place where you put your credit card. It's very hard to see because it's so small. When you put your credit card in the machine, the subskimmer takes a picture of your card.

But that's not all! The subskimmer also records all the numbers and letters that are on your credit card. This way, the sneaky person can make a fake credit card with all your information!

This is very bad because then the sneaky person can use your credit card to buy things, without you knowing. So be careful! Always check the machine where you put your credit card, and make sure there is no sneaky little subskimmer hiding in there.