ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A suffragette is a person who wanted women to be able to vote.

A long time ago, only men were allowed to vote. Women couldn't vote even if they wanted to. Some people thought that women weren't smart enough to vote or that their place was at home taking care of the family.

Suffragettes thought that women deserved the same rights as men and should have the right to vote. They believed that women had just as much to say about the laws and rules that affect everyone.

Suffragettes did lots of things to try to change the rules. They wrote letters to important people and gave speeches. They also held protests and marches. Sometimes, they even got arrested for speaking out!

Thanks to the hard work of suffragettes, women in many parts of the world can now vote just like men can. Suffragettes helped to make the world a more equal place for everyone.