ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, today we're going to talk about sugarwise! Now, sugar is a very yummy thing that makes our food taste sweet. But sometimes, too much sugar in our food can be bad for our bodies.

That's where sugarwise comes in. Sugarwise is a special certification that some foods can get if they have less sugar in them than other similar foods. This means that if you see the sugarwise sticker on a food, you can feel good about eating it because it won't have too much sugar.

But how do they know which foods are sugarwise and which aren't? Well, scientists use a special machine called a spectrometer to measure the amount of sugar in the food. If it has less sugar than a certain amount, it can get the sugarwise certification.

So, the next time you're looking for something sweet to eat, remember to look for the sugarwise sticker to make sure you're making a healthy choice!