ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Suicide bag

Okay kiddo, a suicide bag is something that some people use to try to end their life. It's a plastic bag that goes over your head, kinda like a hat, but you tie it closed around your neck so no air can get in or out.

Now, you know how we need air to breathe and live, right? Well, if someone puts a bag over their head and ties it closed, they can't get any air and they might pass out or even die from lack of oxygen.

But here's the thing, suicide is a very serious and sad thing. No one should feel so alone or hopeless that they want to end their life. There's always someone who can help, like a family member, a friend, a teacher, or a doctor. They can talk to you and try to make things better, but they can't do that if you're not around.

So, if you're feeling sad or scared or anything like that, please tell someone. Don't keep it to yourself. And if you hear someone talking about a suicide bag or anything like that, tell an adult right away. That person might need help, and you can be the one to get them the help they need.