ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sultanate of Riau-Lingga

Once upon a time, there was a big group of islands called Riau-Lingga. The people who lived on these islands had their own leader, or sultan, who made the rules and helped keep everything organized.

The sultanate of Riau-Lingga was a really important place because many people traded there. That means that they would bring things like spices, clothes, and food to sell to other people who needed those things. The sultan helped make sure that everyone was being fair and no one was cheating in these trades.

The sultanate of Riau-Lingga lasted for a long time, from the 13th century to the 19th century. People from different countries visited and traded there, like the Dutch, the Portuguese, and the British. They all wanted to be friends with the sultan so they could trade with his people.

Eventually, the sultanate of Riau-Lingga was taken over by the British and then later became part of Indonesia. But the people who lived there still remember their history and how important their sultanate was to the world.