ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: idealism, corn, disco, teeth, quant

Sunday Times Rich List

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of the Sunday Times Rich List? It's a really long list of people who have a lot of money!

Do you know what money is? It’s like the coins and notes that we use to buy things. But some people have a lot of coins and notes – more than they could ever use to buy all the toys and candy they want. That’s why they’re on the Rich List.

The people on the Rich List are usually grown-ups who work really hard and make a lot of good decisions. They have special jobs like being a businessman, entrepreneur or celebrity, and that’s how they make so much money. But sometimes they may inherit their money or win a lottery, but they need to use it wisely to stay rich.

Every year, the Sunday Times newspaper makes a list of the richest people in the whole of the United Kingdom. They look at how much money these rich people have and how they made their money.

People all around the world are always so curious to know who is on the Rich List, so the Sunday Times newspaper shares it with everyone! This way, people can find out who the richest people are and learn how they got so successful.

So, that's what the Sunday Times Rich List is all about! It's a way to recognize the hard work and success of really rich people and to inspire others to work hard too.