ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Surgical mask

A surgical mask is a piece of material that covers your nose and mouth to protect you from getting germs or spreading germs to others. It's like a little shield that you wear on your face!

Surgical masks are usually made of special material that can block small airborne particles, like germs or droplets from coughs and sneezes. The mask is held in place with a strap that goes around your head or over your ears, and there's usually a little metal piece at the top that you can press against your nose to help it stay in place.

When you wear a surgical mask, it's important to make sure it covers your nose and mouth completely, with no gaps around the edges. That way, the germs can't get in or out. And after you wear a mask, you should throw it away in a trash can, because it can get germs on it that you don't want to touch.

Surgical masks are often worn by doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to keep them safe while they work with sick people. But now, lots of people are wearing masks to protect themselves and others from COVID-19, a virus that's going around and can make people really sick. Wearing a mask is a simple way to help keep yourself and others healthy!
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