ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of surrogatum? It’s a big word, so let me explain it to you in a simpler way.

You know how your mom carried you in her belly before you were born? Well, sometimes some mommies can’t carry a baby in their belly, but they still really want to have a baby.

So, they find another mommy, also called a surrogate mommy, who can carry the baby for them in her belly. This mommy is just like a special helper who takes care of the baby in her belly until it’s ready to be born.

After the baby is born, the real mommy and daddy take the baby home and love and take care of it just like any other mommy and daddy would.

Surrogatum is a special way for mommies and daddies who can’t have a baby on their own to still have a baby and start a family.