ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Susan B. Anthony dollar

The Susan B. Anthony dollar is a type of coin that was made in the United States in honor of a woman named Susan B. Anthony. She was a very important person because she fought hard for women's rights and helped make it so that women could vote just like men can.

The coin is about the same size as a quarter, but it's worth $1. It has a picture of Susan B. Anthony's face on one side, and an eagle on the other side.

People thought it was a good idea to make this coin because it would remind everyone about how important it is to treat everyone equally, no matter what their gender is. But some people didn't like using the coin because it was too similar in size to the quarter, so they would get mixed up and people would accidentally spend the dollar coin instead of a quarter.

Although Susan B. Anthony was a very important person, not many people use the coin today because it can be confusing and because there are newer coins that are easier to use. But it's still a cool coin to have if you like learning about history!