ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Susanna (Book of Daniel)

Alright kiddo, let me explain what Susanna is all about in a way that even a five-year-old like you can understand!

Susanna is a story that is found in the Book of Daniel in the Bible. The story is about a lady named Susanna, who was a really good person. She loved God and followed his commandments.

One day, Susanna was taking a bath in her garden when two old men saw her. They wanted to be with her and threatened to accuse her of a crime if she didn't do what they wanted. But Susanna didn't want to do what they wanted, so she refused.

The two old men then went to the leaders of the town and lied, accusing Susanna of doing something bad. But Susanna knew that she was innocent, and she prayed to God for help.

God heard Susanna's prayer and sent a young man named Daniel to help her. Daniel questioned the two old men separately and found out that they were lying, and Susanna was telling the truth.

The people who had accused Susanna were then punished instead. The story of Susanna shows how we should always be truthful and follow God's commandments, and how God will always help those who trust in him.

That's the story of Susanna in a nutshell!