ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Swabian–Alemannic Fastnacht

Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht is a special kind of party that happens before Easter in parts of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. It's like Halloween or Mardi Gras, but even more fun!

Imagine everyone in town is dressing up in funny costumes, like clowns or fairy princesses, and parading down the street. They might also wear masks to hide their faces, and nobody knows who anyone really is.

During the party, there are lots of silly games and jokes. People might throw confetti or squirt each other with water guns. They might also sing and dance, and eat special treats like pretzels or sausages.

The party lasts for several days, and everyone in town is welcome to join in on the fun. Kids can go with their parents or grandparents, and everyone can make new friends. It's a way to celebrate and have a good time before the more serious holiday of Easter arrives.