ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sweden Social Web Camp

So, imagine you and all your friends are going camping. But this camping trip is really special because it's not just any old camping trip. It's a Social Web Camp! That means you all get to learn about cool things on the internet and how to use them.

Sweden Social Web Camp is a really big camping trip that happens every year in Sweden for grown-ups. People who work on the internet and want to learn more about how to use it better go to this camp. There are lots of different activities and workshops to choose from. You can learn how to create your own website or how to use social media like Instagram and Twitter.

The best part of this camping trip is that you get to meet lots of new friends who are also interested in the internet. You will make connections with people who can help you with your work or just be cool new friends. And at night, you get to sit around the campfire and talk about all the cool things you learned that day. So, it's like a really fun vacation where you get to learn new things!