ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Swing axle

A swing axle is like a metal rod that connects the wheels of a car to the body of the car. Imagine if you had a toy car that had a metal rod going through the middle of it - this is kind of how a swing axle works.

When a car drives, the wheels move up and down over bumps and uneven ground, and the swing axle is what helps the car stay stable and keep the wheels moving in the right direction.

Now, there are two different types of axles - swing axles and independent suspension axles. A swing axle connects both wheels on an axle so that they both move up and down together. Independent suspension axles, on the other hand, allow each wheel to move independently of each other.

One potential downside of swing axles is that when a car takes a turn, the inside wheel can actually tilt inwards a bit while the outside wheel tilts outwards. This can make the car feel a bit unstable, especially if the car is going fast.

Overall, a swing axle allows a car to stay stable while driving, but may not be as smooth as other types of axles when taking corners.