ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Swish function

Okay kiddo, do you know what a swish is? No, not that kind of swish! I mean like a movement, where you move something smoothly from side to side.

Now, imagine we have a magic math function called "swish". This function takes a number as an input, and gives us a new number as an output. But instead of just giving us any old number, it moves the number smoothly from side to side.

Think of it like this - if we give the swish function the number 0, it won't change it at all. But if we give it a big positive number, like 100, it will move it smoothly down towards 0. And if we give it a big negative number, like -100, it will move it smoothly up towards 0.

So what's the point of this swish function, you might be wondering? Well, sometimes when we're doing math with really big numbers, or really small numbers, things can get a bit messy. But using the swish function can help us smooth things out and make our calculations a bit easier.

It might seem a bit confusing at first, but just remember that the swish function is like a magic math tool that helps us move numbers smoothly from side to side.