ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Symbolism of domes

Do you know what a dome is? It's a big round shape that looks like a upside-down bowl. People have been building domes for a long, long time - even before you were born!

A lot of people think that domes are a special shape with a special meaning. For example, some domes are used for religious buildings like churches and mosques. They are bigger than regular buildings and look very important.

A dome can mean a lot of things to different people. Some people think they look like the sky or the heavens. They can also look like a person's head, with the dome being the top of the skull.

Symbolism means that something is used to represent or stand for something else. When people see a dome, they might think of important ideas like power, strength, and honor.

So, in short, a dome is a special round shape that can be used to represent important ideas like power and strength.