ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Symmetry-protected topological order

Symmetry-protected topological order is like when we play a game and there are some rules that we have to follow, but we can still have fun within those rules.

In science, there are some materials that have rules they have to follow when we study them, but we can still find cool things about them within those rules.

Symmetry-protected topological order is a way of describing how these materials behave. Normally, when we look at materials, we can break them down into smaller pieces that behave in the same way. But with symmetry-protected topological order, we can't break the material down any further because it has special rules that protect its behavior.

These materials have special properties that can only be seen when we look at the whole thing, and we can't predict what will happen if we just look at a part of it.

Think of it like a puzzle that has pieces that only fit in certain ways. If we change one piece, it can affect the whole puzzle. With symmetry-protected topological order, the pieces are connected in special ways that can't be easily changed.

So, when scientists study these materials, they have to keep these special rules in mind and look at the bigger picture to understand how they work. It's like playing a game and having to follow specific rules to win, but the fun part is figuring out how to win while following those rules.