ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East

So you know how some people believe in God and Jesus, and they go to church to pray and learn about their religion? Well, there is a group of people called Syriac Orthodox Christians who believe in God and Jesus, but they have their own special way of doing things. They live in a place called Antioch (which is now in modern-day Syria) and also in other parts of the Middle East and Europe.

The person who is in charge of all the Syriac Orthodox Christians in Antioch and the surrounding areas is called the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch. He is kind of like their boss or leader. He is a very important person to the Syriac Orthodox Christians because he helps them make decisions about their religion and their way of life.

The Syriac Orthodox Patriarch has a big job. He has to make sure that everyone is getting along and following the rules of their religion. He also has to teach people about their religion and answer any questions they might have. He travels to different churches and communities to meet with people and make sure everything is going well.

All in all, the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East is a very important person to the Syriac Orthodox Christians. He helps them stay together and follow their beliefs, and he works hard to make sure their religion stays strong and vibrant.