ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Syrian Civil War peace process

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain to you what this Syrian Civil War Peace Process is all about.

Imagine you and your friend had a big fight, and you both kept arguing and fighting with each other all the time. The Syrian Civil War is like that, but it's between a lot of people and groups who live in a country called Syria.

Now, some grown-ups from different countries, like America and Russia, came together to try to help stop the fighting and bring peace to Syria. They call this the "Syrian Civil War Peace Process."

But it's not so easy. You might ask your friend to stop fighting, but they might not listen or might say they want something in exchange for stopping. That's what's happening in Syria – different groups are fighting and they all have different ideas about what should happen next.

So, these grown-ups from different countries have been working hard to talk to all the different groups and try to get them to agree on what they want. They want to find a way for everyone to stop fighting and live together in peace.

They've been having meetings for a long time and making plans, but it's still not over yet. They're going to keep working on this until they can come up with a solution that everyone agrees on.

It's important to remember that it's not just about stopping the fighting, but it's also about helping people in Syria who have been hurt by the war. The grown-ups want to make sure they have food, water, and a safe place to live.

So, that's what the Syrian Civil War Peace Process is all about – people from different countries trying to help the people of Syria live in peace and rebuild their country after all the fighting.